PGC Newsletter 21.08.2024


  • Thursday 22nd - Club haggle 12.15. 9-hole ladies 10am Back 9
  • Saturday 24th, Sunday 25th, and Tuesday 27th - Captain’s Choice (Ladies)
  • Wednesday 28th - Club haggle 12.15pm NOTE CHANGE IN DAY
  • Saturday 31st, Sunday 1st and Tuesday 3rd – Trethella Rd 4 (Par)
  • Sundays 1st, 15th and 22nd - 2- PERSON AMBROSE
  • Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th – Club haggle 12.15pm
  • Saturday 7th BUSH AQUATICS AMBROSE – see our website for details
  • Sunday 8th and Tuesday 10th – Matches and Shots to the Green
  • Saturday 14th, Saturday 15th and Tuesday 17th – LGU Silver Medal and Stableford Button
  • Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd and Tuesday 24th – Greensome Foursomes
  • Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th and Tuesday 1st – LGU Gold Medal and Stableford Button
  • Sunday 29th – Daylight Savings Starts at 2am, put your clocks forward 1 hour
  • Saturday 5thCLOSING DAY AND PRESENTATIONS – American Foursomes competition


Starting Sunday 1st September (yeah, I know it’s Father’s Day), Jason has instigated a 2-person Ambrose competition, played over 3 Sundays. A fun way to wind down the season, results will be based on the best 2 of 3 cards in this nett competition. So, get a partner; men’s, women’s, mixed teams all OK.

Rules include - each player must tee off at least 6 times in the round.

You take your course handicap (forget index) add both together and divide by 4 – this is your handicap on the day.

The other dates are Sunday 15th and Sunday 22nd.


Has been completed with the results tight at the top. Miff tells me that initial results are 1st Peter Bourke 24 points overall, followed by Lionel Toheriri on 22 points. Full results will be available at a later date. Expect to see some changes for next year’s competition.


Handicap Pennant – Our season has finished, and the team finished third in their division, just missing out on qualifying for the semi-finals. On Sunday 7th July, here at home our team beat Manawatu 7-2. Scott Beales replaced Jeremy Blatchford from the original team.

Other results: Round 4 at Manawatu, Lee Thomson, Shaun Smith, Jamie Smith, Scott, Jeremy and Colin (Duey) Wallace lost to Levin 3½ to 5½. Round 5 at Levin, Lee, Keiran Pierey, Shaun, Nigel Pearson, Jeremy and David (Bubba) Mitchell beat Palmerston North 5 – 4. A great first up result for our team in these Pennants.

Note: Levin won our division and played off for the final with Waimarino. After normal play, the teams were tied and Waimarino won in a sudden death play-off, their number ones going head-to-head.

ZONES – moving on, this coming Sunday 25th we are playing a round at Manawatu vs Palmerston North to qualify for the East division of ZONES. This is an off the stick contest of singles and 4BBB. The team is Lee, Jason (Miff) Smith, Nigel and Lionel Toheriri. GOOD LUCK GUYS!!


Get your matches played asap. Presentations to be made on Closing Day. Our secretary needs at least a week to get the certificates printed. So come on, everybody.


Thursday 4th July - Stableford

1st Dave Mitchell 38 points

2nd Alan Bisset 33 points

3rd Nigel Pearson 31 points

4th Steph Tisdall 31 points


Saturday 6th July – Winter Cup Rd2 Stableford

1st Nigel Pearson 35 points

2nd Bob Algie 35 points

3rd Andrew McKnight 31 points

Closest to Pin

#9 and #12 – Steph (Good work!)


Nigel (18)

Sunday 7th July – Winter Cup Rd2 Stableford

1st Grant Thurlow 43 points

2nd Nigel Pearson 40 points

3rd Colin Wallace 35 points


Burt Ezra (Manawatu)

Tuesday 9th July – LGU Gold Medal, Stableford Button & MBM

1st Lisa Cotton 72 nett

2nd Seona Ashton 75 nett

3rd Mary Bollard 79 nett

4th Lynne Huddleston 80 nett

5th Pam Bisset 80 nett

Twos: Lisa (14), Pam B (12)

Closest to Pin (12): Jo Bisset

Gold Medal and Stableford Button):

Lisa, nett 72 and 37 points

Thursday 11th July - Stableford

1st Peter Johns 35 points

2nd Nigel Pearson 33 points


Saturday 13th July – Winter Cup Rd3 Par

1st Shane Robinson 5 up (BEAUTY)

2nd Lionel Toheriri 2 up

3rd Andew McKnight 2 up

Closest to Pin

#9 – Colin Wallace

#12 – Trish Cuttance


Nigel Pearson (4), Lionel (14), Mark Hemopo (18), Colin Wallace (18), Lisa Cotton (14)

Sunday 14th July – Winter Cup Rd3 Par

1st Dave Mitchell 4 up

2nd Jason Smith square

3rd Shane Robinson 1 down

Closest to Pin

#9 – Dave

#12 – Keiran Pierey

Tuesday 16th July – Shots to the Green (minus handicap)

1st Megan Smith 37

2nd Lynne Huddleston 45

3rd Raewyn Newman 46

4th Margaret Brislane 49

Twos: Stephanie Tisdall (18)

Longest Putt (18): Lynne Huddleston

Tuesday 23rd July – LGU Silver Medal and Stableford Button

1st Pam Bisset 78 nett

2nd Jo Bissel 79 nett

3rd Steph Tisdall 79 nett

Drawn Twos: Raewyn Newman and Megan Smith

Longest Putt (4): Trish Cuttance

Silver Medal and Stableford Button):

Pam 78 nett and 31 points

Thursday 25th July - Stableford

1st Bob Algie 35 points

2nd Ivan Fraser 34 points

3rd Lionel Toheriri 33 points

4th Steph Tisdall 32 points


Saturday 27th July – Winter Cup Rd5 Par

1st Mark Hemopo 1 down

2nd Lionel Toheriri 2 down

3rd Nigel Pearson 3 down

Closest to Pin

#9 – Mark

#12 – Shane Robinson


Mark (9)

Sunday 28th July – Winter Cup Rd5 Par & TC Day

1st Peter Johns square

2nd Peter Bourke 1 down

3rd Mark Thomson 1 down

Closest to Pin

#12 – Peter B


Pam Huddleston (14)

Sunday 28th July – TC Day (Sponsored by Shane Robinson who supplied a mutton, thanks Shane)

1st Peter Bourke 35 points (half mutton), 2nd Mark Thomson 34 points (1/4 mutton) 3rd Peter Johns 34 points (other quarter mutton), 4th Steph Tisdall 33 points, 5th Peter Drysdale 32 points, 6th Pam Huddleston 32 points. TC Day that was down for 18th was postponed of course due to the weather, it will be rescheduled to next month sometime. Sponsors Tod and Raes Honey Pot.

Today highlighted how important it is to check your scores in the kiosk before finishing the entries. Those running the club days will go by the Dot Golf results, if yours are wrong hmmm.

Tuesday 30th July – Trethella Rd3 - Par

1st Steph Tisdall 2 up

2nd Megan Smith 1 up

3rd Pam Huddleston 3 down

4th Colleen Daysh 4 down on c/b from Jo Bisset, Bronwyn Smith and Raewyn Newman)

Twos: Pam Huddleston (18)

Accuracy #9 drawn: Steph

Saturday 3rd August – Winter Cup Rd6 - Stableford

1st Lionel Toheriri 39 points

2nd Andrew McKnight 38 points

3rd Bob Algie 36 points

Closest to Pin

#9 – Nigel Pearson

#12 – Shaun Smith


Andrew (9)

Tuesday 6th August – LGU Gold Medal and Stableford Button

1st Steph Tisdall 72 nett

2nd Megan Smith 79 nett

3rd Seona Ashton 79 nett

4th Jo Bisset 80 nett

Drawn Twos: Colleen Daysh and Paula McCool

Accuracy: Raewyn Newman

Gold Medal and Stableford Button:

Steph 72 nett and 37 points

Saturday 10th August – Winter Cup Rd4 – Nett Medal

1st Peter Johns 71 nett

2nd Shane Robinson 71 nett

3rd Dave Mitchell 74 nett

Closest to Pin

#9 – Nigel Pearson

#12 – Lionel Toheriri


Sunday 11th August – Winter Cup Rd4 – Nett Medal

1st Bob Algie 63 nett (WOW)

2nd Peter Bourke 69 nett

3rd Shaun Smith 70 nett

4th Jason Smith 71 nett

Closest to Pin

#9 – Dave Mitchell

#12 – Colin Wallace

Twos Miff (9), Bob (9), Colin (14 and 18) Good one, Duey!



Posted: Friday 23 August 2024